How to send files to Evernote?

Soda PDF now allows you to send entire PDFs or portions of text directly to Evernote. If you have not already signed in, you can log in anytime.

If you have already signed in, skip ahead!


Soda PDF Desktop

  • Right-click anywhere on the document while the Edit mode is ON and select the Send PDF command from the context menu.
  • Choose the Evernote option.



  • Then choose SIGN IN.




  • Enter your credentials and click on Sign In.

You can decide how long you will authorize Soda PDF to access Evernote for this device. Select it from the dropdown and then choose Authorize (Re-Authorize if you have previously signed in).




You will now be able to send the open PDF directly to Evernote. You can change the Title. You can add any Keywords. You can also choose any Notebook on your account. Soda PDF will create a new notebook for your files.

  • Once you have filled in the information, click on Add Note to send the file to Evernote.



The status bar will update you as the file is sent to Evernote.




You can send a portion of the text instead of the entire file.

  • While in Edit Mode select the text.
  • Then right-click on your selection and choose Save to Evernote.


You will be brought back to the menu where you can send the file to Evernote.


We have two additional modules. The OCR module allows you to recognize and edit text within any scanned document or image. We also have the E-Sign module that allows you to electronically sign PDFs and track and manage e-signatures in real-time. If those modules are not available for you, you can purchase them here.



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