If you have 5 or more licenses for the same version of Soda PDF, you can batch-assign them to multiple users at once. This guide explains how to streamline the assignment process for your team.
You will need to prepare a CSV file listing each assignee. Please prepare this file based on the column settings below.
- Column A (Required) - Email addresses of each user.
- Column B - First Name
- Column C - Last Name
- Go to the My Products section of your account.
- Click on View details to expand the product you want to assign.
- Click the gear icon next to an unassigned license.
- Choose the Multiple users.
You'll see a popup prompting you to upload your CSV file.
- Click on the Select my file button.
- Choose your file.
The window will now reload showing the data from your CSV file. You can confirm the information and decide, which users from the list, should be imported.
- Any user with a checkbox will receive a license, remove a check if that person should not receive a license.
- Once you are ready, click on the Assign button.
- Click OK to confirm.
You'll see a list of each assigned email account.