This article is a glossary of all form field properties available in Soda PDF Desktop. Not every option is available for every field type. At the start of each section, we'll tell you what field types use this properties option.
You can open the properties section with a few clicks.
- Click into Edit Mode.
- Select your form field.
- Click the Properties icon.
We've grouped our properties into the following options. Click ahead to the things you need the most.
Appearance Properties
You'll find each appearance setting in the Appearance Tab.
In this section, we'll explore how to configure each available option. Please keep in mind certain settings will apply only to specific form field types.
There are a few options available to make sure the field border matches your document:
Line Style
- Click the first dropdown to change the Width.
- Increase the number to make it thicker, you can hide the border by setting it to Hairline.
You can update the style, or pattern, of the border of the form field.
- Click the second dropdown to change the Style.
- Choose a new one from the list.
Border and background color
- Click the circle next to the Border color and Background color.
- Click on the color you want to use.
- Click here for more information about custom colors.
- Select the mode in the Arrange section if you have several overlapping objects.
These font settings can be set for Action Button, Radio Button, and Check Box. This option impacts what happens when a user interacts with a form field. As an example choosing Invert will invert any colors as the field is selected:
- Click the dropdown next to Highlight.
- Choose an option from the list.
These are features that impact any text related to your form fields. Whether it's the value options in a dropdown menu or the text a user enters into your field.
Text Alignment
- Open the Text settings.
- Choose one of the alignment options.
Multiline - Text Field Only
By default, text fields will only allow a user to enter a single line of text. If you want your form recipient to add paragraphs, you need to enable multiline.
- Toggle the switch next to Multiline.
Password Mode
This feature will hide anything entered in the text field, showing stars instead of the characters they enter.
- Toggle the switch next to Password.
Maximum Character Numbers
While working with text fields you can limit the number of characters that can be entered into the field.
- Choose the character limit.
These font settings can be set for Text Fields, Combo Boxes (Dropdown Menus), List Boxes, and Signatures.
Change font
- Choose the font you want from the list.
Font size
- Choose a new font size from the list.
Font color
- Click the circle next to Font Color.
- Click on the color you want to use.
- Click here for more information about custom colors.
Font styling
You can apply Bold or Italics to the text.
- Click the option you want to use.
- Open the dropdown Rotate.
- Choose a rotation option from the list.
There is a caption option available for Check Boxes and Radio Buttons and this updates the icon you see when a user selects the field. There is also a caption option available for Push Buttons which updates the text on the button.
You are also able to change the size and color of this caption.
Caption for Radio Buttons/Check Boxes
- Click the dropdown next to Caption.
- Choose one from the list.
Caption/symbol color
- Click the circle next to Font Color.
- Click on the color you want to use.
- Click here for more information about custom colors.
Caption/symbol size
This will change the size of the symbol in a check box or radio button. It will change the size of the font in a Push Button.
Action Button text
- Click next to Caption.
- Type the new caption into the box.
- Hit the Enter key to confirm your choice.
Set/Reset Appearance Default
Once you make any changes to a form field's appearance, you can set the new appearance as default. This default will only be set for that specific field type.
If you set the appearance of a Radio Button, you will not see those changes made to a Check Box.
These defaults will stay in effect when you add these fields to any PDF document.
Set as default
You need to make a change before you will be able to choose this option.
Reset default
Resetting a default will reset any appearance changes back to Soda PDF's default settings.
- Select any field.
- Open the properties.
Depending on the form type you use, you'll encounter different value-setting options.
Here is a breakdown of each value setting:
Read Only
This option applies to all properties. This option prevents any changes to the value in the form field.
- Toggle the switch next to Read Only.
No export
This setting applies to all form field types. This option prevents the form data from being extracted from this document.
- Toggle the switch next to No Export.
This setting applies to all form field types except Push Buttons. This option requires the user to fill out this form field before they can save the document.
- Toggle the switch next to Required.
Field Value
The field value is available only for Text Field and Combo Box.
- Validation script: Validates the field by a script (JavaScript) that you create or provide.
- The Set button opens a dialog box in which you can write and add new scripts.
Value List
This setting is for Combo Boxes (Dropdown Menus) and List Boxes. You can set the values your users can choose between.
Step 1 - Open Value List Tool
There are 2 ways to open the tool. The first is in the Values Tab:
- Click on Set next to Options.
The other option:
- Right-click on the form field.
- Choose Edit Value List.
Step 2 - Add Values
You can add values to the list for your users. You can add the public-facing Name and customize the behind-the-scenes Value name.
- Click ADD.
- Type your value name.
- Click anywhere else to confirm.
- Repeat until all values are added.
Step 3 - Edit Public Name and Value Name
The Name column is what your user will see. Under Value you can set a different value name for data purposes.
- Double-click on the name you want to update.
- Type into the box.
- Click anywhere else to confirm.
Step 4 - Confirm new value list
- Click Apply to confirm your new list.
Step 5 - Deleting a value
- Click on the bin icon next to a value.
Bonus Step - Editable Value
If you are working with a Combo Box (Dropdown Menu) you can provide users the option to edit dropdown entries, adding their own.
- Toggle the switch next to Editable.
You can set up events for all form field types in the Events tab.
- Mouse Enter event is fired when the pointer is moved over the element.
- Mouse Exit event is fired when the pointer is moved out of the element.
- Mouse Down event is fired when the pointer button is pressed on the element.
- Mouse Up event is fired when the pointer button is released over the element.
- Focus event is fired when the pointer button is clicked on the element.
- Blur event is fired when the pointer button is clicked not within the element.
- Action (available only for Check Box, Radio Button, and all the buttons) is fired when the user clicks the element.
- Signed (available only for Signature): Validates the field by a script (JavaScript) that you create or provide. The Set button opens a dialog box in which you can write and add new scripts.
- Click on Set next to the needed option.
- Choose the Action you want to add.
- Click on Add.
Field Events
The field events are available only for Text Field, Combo Box, and List Box.
- Modify: Displays any custom scripts you have added for modifying.
- Validate: Validates the field by a script (JavaScript) that you create or provide.
- Calculate: Displays any custom scripts you have added for calculations.
- Format: Displays any custom scripts you have added for formats.
The Set button opens a dialog box in which you can write and add new JavaScripts. Click the Set button to define an event.
This option is only available for Text Fields and Combo Boxes (Dropdowns).
With field formatting, you can add special restrictions to your field, like forcing that field to represent a % or a date.
Each of these options is found in the Format Tab. You'll be able to pick between available options in the dropdown next to Category.
You can set up the following options:
- Number - Only numbers can be entered, you can configure the specific formatting.
- Percentage - Any number entered into this field will become a %.
- Date - This field will only display dates in your chosen format.
- Time - This field will only display time figures in your chosen format.
- Special - Additional formatting options.
- Custom - JavaScript command.
- Choose Number next to Category.
- Set the number of Decimal places after 0 that should be visible.
- You can pick between punctuation options for number separations next to Separator Style.
- When dealing with money you can choose a Currency Symbol.
- When you do, you can choose the Symbol Location placing it before or after the number.
- Choose Percentage next to Category.
- Set the number of Decimal places after 0 that should be visible.
- You can pick between punctuation options for number separations next to Separator Style.
- Choose Date next to Category.
- Pick from the available formats next to Date.
The date must be entered in the specific format you chose. However, anyone filling out a form will see a date selector:
- Choose Time next to Category.
- Pick from the available formats next to Time.
- Choose Special next to Category.
- Pick from the available formats next to Special.
You can also run a JavaScript command when a user interacts with your field.
- Choose Custom next to Category.
- You can add a Format Script or Keystroke Script by clicking on Change next to either.
- Enter your JavaScript command into the window that opens.
- We don't offer support on JavaScript commands, but you can click here for more information.
You can set up Text Fields and Combo Boxes (Dropdown Menus) to perform math calculations. These are found in the Calculations Tab.
We recommend configuring these fields with relevant number settings first. You can choose between:
Quick Calculations
Step 1 - Choose the calculation result field
You will need to choose the field where the calculation results will appear.
Step 2 - Choose math operation
- Choose Predefined next to Category.
- Next to Predefined choose one of the following options
- You can divide and subtract in the Advanced Calculations section:
Step 3 - Choose the fields involved in the calculations
- Click Change next to Fields.
- Choose the fields.
- Click Apply.
Advanced Calculations
You can write out your own equations with advanced calculations. You can also use a script.
Write out your own equations
Please adhere to the order of operations as you create equations.
- Choose Simplified field notation next to Category.
- Click on Set. A box will open where you can enter your math equation.
- Enter each field name (make sure all capitalization matches) and separate the field names with the correct math symbol.
- As an example: to perform division it would be field1/field 2.
- Another example can be set it up like field1/field2+field3*field4 and in this case, it will add the product of fields 3 & 4 with the results of dividing field 1 by field 2.
- Click Apply to confirm.
Use a script
You can use JavaScript to perform more complex equations.
- Choose Custom calculation script.
- Click Set next to Script.
- Enter your code.
- Click OK.
General Properties
This section will describe properties that impact the form field in a general way.
You'll learn how to configure the following:
Field Name
- Open the General Properties tab.
- Click next to Name.
- Type the new name into the box.
- Hit the Enter key or click outside the box to confirm your choice.
When a user hovers their mouse over the field you will see your tip appear.
- Click next to Tooltip.
- Type your tip into the box.
- Press the Enter key to confirm.
You can easily verify your tooltip is configured properly:
- Click on the View tab.
- Hover your mouse over the form field.
Field Location (XY Coordinates)
Every form field on your document has a specific XY coordinate that reflects its location. These coordinates will match the unit of measurement for your page size.
You can enter any XY coordinate and move the field to an exact location.
- Open the General Properties tab.
- Click next to X Position or Y Position.
- Type the new number into the box.
- Hit the Enter key or click outside the box to confirm your choice.
Field size
The best way to make sure your fields are exactly the same size is to set the size through the properties tab. Once you've placed the first field, you can verify its size by checking the Width and Height.
You can then apply the same dimensions to any field.
- Open the General Properties tab.
- Click next to Height or Width.
- Type the new number into the box.
- Hit the Enter key or click outside the box to confirm your choice.
You’ll also be able to restrict access to your forms.
- Click on the logo to enable/disable the feature.
- Locked – This makes sure no changes can be made to the field.
- Visible – Disabling this will hide the field. It will stay in the same place and be accessible if anyone clicks on it.
We have two additional modules. The OCR module allows you to recognize and edit text within any scanned document or image. We also have the E-Sign module that allows you to electronically sign PDFs and track and manage e-signatures in real-time. If those modules are not available for you, you can purchase them here.