How to add a new signer for my E-Sign packages?


Signers are the recipients of your E-Sign Packages. Soda PDF Desktop provides you with a signer management tool to help you stay organized. It can also be found in the second step of the Request Signature process. Click here for a complete walkthrough of creating a new E-Sign envelope.

If the E-Sign module is not available for you, you can purchase it here. 



Soda PDF Desktop

  • Open the E-Sign Tab.
  • Click Manage Signers.



Add Individual Signers

  • Click on the Add Signer button.



Soda PDF will request more information about the signer. It will be linked to any signature fields assigned to them.

  • Enter their details.
  • Click Add.




The signer will be automatically saved to the list. You can proceed to add as many signers as you like.

  • You can edit their information at any time by clicking on the three dots and choosing Edit.
  • Click the Trashcan to remove this signer.
  • Click on Clear All to remove all the signers.



  • You can change the order of signers by dragging and dropping the names in the list.
  • Click the button to set the alphabetical order.



Batch Import Signers

You will need to prepare a CSV for your signers. Each of the columns must be titled exactly as you see below:

Column A - “E-mail Address” – The email address associated with your signer.

Column B - “First Name” – The first name of your signer.

Column C - “Last Name” – The last name of your signer.

Column D - “Title” (Optional) – You can add your signer’s title.

Column E - “Company” (Optional) – You can add your signer’s organization.




Once it’s prepared you can easily import the contacts.

  • Choose the Import Contact List option.


You will see this popup to let you know the importing process is complete.



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