How to change the comment properties?

You can update the settings for your comments in the properties section.


Soda PDF Desktop

  • Click into Edit Mode.
  • Select your comment.
  • Choose the Properties icon.


In the Appearance section, you have a few choices to help you visually organize your comments.

You can update the color of your comment.

  • Click the circle next to Color.




  • Click on the color you want to use.
    • Click here for more information about custom colors.



You can adjust the Opacity of your comment.

  • Adjust the slider to modify the value.
    • 100 will have no transparency while 0 will be fully transparent.



You can use Blend Mode to determine how the comment interacts with any other layers in your document.

  • Choose the option you want to use from the dropdown.



You can save any of these aesthetic changes for future comments.

  • Click MAKE DEFAULT to use these settings moving forward.



You can reset the default at any time.

  • Select any comment.
  • Open the properties.



In the General section, you have a few choices. You can set the Author and Subject of this comment.

  • Type your updates into the box.
  • Click Enter to confirm your changes.



You can lock the comment so that no one can change anything that’s been written.

  • Click on the lock icon.



You can hide the comment in your document. The element will still be on the page, but the visible portion will be hidden. It can still be found through the comment manager.

  • Click on the eye icon.




We have two additional modules. The OCR module allows you to recognize and edit text within any scanned document or image. We also have the E-Sign module that allows you to electronically sign PDFs and track and manage e-signatures in real-time. If those modules are not available for you, you can purchase them here.



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