How to fill out forms with the Fill & Sign module?

In the Fill & Sign module, you can quickly and easily fill out the forms and sign them. Using this module, you will not be able to edit the forms.

  • Open the Fill & Sign module.
  • You can choose Crossmark, Checkmark, Filled Dot, or Line to fill out the checkboxes.



  • Click on the place in the document where you need it to be placed.




  • Once it’s placed you can drag the mark to move it and change its size by dragging the circle in the bottom right corner.




  • Alternatively, you can click on Reduce size/Increase size buttons to change the mark’s size.




  • Click on the circle icon to change the color of your mark.




  • Click on the three dots to change the field type. You can replace your mark with your signature, initials, or other shapes.




  • Click on the bin icon to delete the mark.




You can use the Text feature to fill out the text fields:

  • Select the Text option.



  • Click on the place where you need the text field to appear.




There is also an option to add the Signer’s Name and Signing Date.

  • Select the Signer’s Name or Signing Date option.



  • Click on the place where you need the data to appear.



  • Once the data is placed you can change it.



You can add your Signature or Initials to your form. Click here to learn how to sign a file with the Fill & Sign module.


We also have the E-Sign module that allows you to electronically sign PDFs and track and manage e-signatures in real time.

If the E-Sign module is not available for you, you can purchase it here.


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