Why does Soda PDF crash during file conversion?

Converting files uses the Soda PDF Printer. For the sake of this article, the conversion will be referred to as printing. Below is a series of troubleshooting tips.

1. Run the Repair for Soda PDF Desktop.

2. Documents with a large number of pages may crash when printing. This is a result of the increasing demand on system resources as the size of the document gets larger.

This means reducing the demand during a print job will prevent Soda PDF from crashing.

Instead of printing the entire document at once, you should perform multiple print jobs. Each smaller job would be a smaller portion of the document.


As an example:
Perform 10 print jobs of 10 pages and see if it is successful. This step is vital in isolating the problem.

3. Take screenshots of any error messages you encounter.


4. Uninstall Soda PDF and then restart your computer. Reinstall Soda PDF and see if the issue is resolved. Let us know if you have done this.


We will do everything we can to make sure you get the best Soda PDF experience possible.

You can contact us by clicking on Contact us on our main support page.

*You will need to enter your email address. A security code will be sent to you. Enter the code and click on Validate. You will then be able to open a request.

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