How to batch convert my PDFs into another file type?

Using the batch convert feature, you can convert multiple files from PDF to another type in one action.


Soda PDF Desktop

  • Open the Home tab.
  • Click on Batch.



  • In the Batch window choose Convert.



You will need to add the files you would like to convert. There are 3 ways you can add files.

  • Add Files… will let you browse your computer and choose individual files.
  • Add Folders… will let you add all the files in a folder from your computer at once.
  • Add Opened Files will instantly add any files you have open in Soda PDF.


  • You can reorder your files by dragging and dropping them.
  • The Remove from list option will remove the selected file.
  • The Clear all button will remove all files from the list.



On the right-hand side, you can see the batch conversion settings in the Adjust section.

  • Under Pages to Convert you will be able to select the pages in your document you want to convert. These settings will be applied to each unique document.



  • Under Select Format, you can choose the type of file your PDF should become.





When you choose Microsoft Word as your output format, you can opt to do the following.

  • Check the box next to Use OCR. This allows you to edit the text from any images in the document. Click here to learn more about OCR.
  • Check the box next to Detect and Convert Table if you want to retain any tables during the conversion.





When you choose Microsoft PowerPoint as your output format, you can opt to do the following.

  • Check the box next to Use OCR. This allows you to edit the text from any images in the document. Click here to learn more about OCR.





  • You can choose to convert each page of your PDF onto a single excel sheet or you can convert each page into its own separate sheet. Toggle this switch to decide which option you want to use.




  • Choose Tables Only to convert to Excel without any text. Choose Text and Tables to transfer both text and tables.




  • Check the box next to Use OCR. This allows you to edit the text from any images in the document. Click here to learn more about OCR.




When you choose HTML as your output format, you can opt to do the following.

  • Check the box next to Use OCR. This allows you to edit the text from any images in the document. Click here to learn more about OCR.




When you choose TXT as your output format, you can opt to do the following.

  • Check the box Use Page Divider (you can put your own divider) and then select a page break option from the dropdown. In your text file, this will be used when each page of your PDF ends.
  • Check the box next to Use OCR. This allows you to edit the text from any images in the document. Click here to learn more about OCR.
  • Check the Convert Cropped Text Also if you want to convert a portion of the text you selected.





  • Select the type of image file your PDF will convert into.


  • Select the resolution dpi.





When you choose RTF as your output format, you can opt to do the following.

  • Check the box next to Use OCR. This allows you to edit the text from any images in the document. Click here to learn more about OCR.
  • Check the box next to Detect and Convert Table if you want to retain any tables during the conversion.




  • When you select PDF/A you will need to select the type of PDF/A file you want to use from the list.



Open the Save section to configure the saving settings.

  • Click on the folder icon to choose a new folder.



  • Check the box if you want to overwrite the existing files.




  • Select the file name. You can choose to keep the original or add a prefix or a suffix.




  • Click on Batch.




  • Click on Done to close the summary screen.




If the OCR module is not available for you, you can purchase it here.


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